Source code for ynlu.sdk.model

from typing import List, Dict, Tuple
import re

from gql import Client, gql

[docs]class Model(object): def __init__( self, classifier_id: str, client: Client, ): if not bool(re.match(r'^[0-9]+$', classifier_id)): raise ValueError( 'id should be string of number, got {}'.format( classifier_id, ), ) self._classifier_id = classifier_id self._client = client @property def model_id(self): return self._classifier_id
[docs] def train(self): raise NotImplementedError('Not for now')
[docs] def predict( self, utterance: str, exactly: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[List[Dict], List[Dict]]: if not isinstance(utterance, str): raise ValueError( 'utterance is not str, got {}'.format( type(utterance), ), ) raw_query = """ mutation predict($classifierId: String!, $text: String!, $exactly: Boolean) { predict(classifierId: $classifierId, text: $text, exactly: $exactly) { intents { name score } entities { name value score } match { isMatched score } } } """ gql_query = gql(raw_query) variable_values = { 'classifierId': self._classifier_id, 'text': utterance, 'exactly': exactly, } result = self._client.execute( gql_query, variable_values=variable_values, ) intents_prediction = result['predict']['intents'] intents_prediction = [ { 'intent': ans['name'], 'score': ans['score'], } for ans in intents_prediction ] entities_prediction = result['predict']['entities'] entities_prediction = [ { 'entity': ans['name'], 'value': ans['value'], 'score': ans['score'], } for ans in entities_prediction ] return intents_prediction, entities_prediction
[docs] def batch_predict( self, utterances: List[str], ) -> Tuple[List[List[Dict]], List[List[Dict]]]: intents_predictions, entities_predictions = zip(*[self.predict(utt) for utt in utterances]) return list(intents_predictions), list(entities_predictions)