Source code for ynlu.sdk.evaluation.plot.utils

from os.path import abspath, dirname, join

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import font_manager

ROOT_DIR = dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__)))
DEFAULT_FONT_PATH = join(ROOT_DIR, "data/simhei.ttf")

def _get_all_text_objects(obj):
    Get all text objects in a matplotlib Figure
    Helper for ``plt_set_font_style``
    queue = [obj]
    all_text = []
    while queue:
        currobj = queue.pop(0)
        if isinstance(currobj, matplotlib.text.Text):
            queue = queue + currobj.get_children()
    return all_text

[docs]def plt_set_font_style(font_style_path: str = None): """Setting font style of figure plotting by matplotlib By calling the function `plt_set_font_style()` before saving or showing a figure, the font style "SimHei" will apply to all the text in a figure. This type of font style supports Chinese characters. If you prefer other font styles, just give where it's stored as an input argument to `plt_set_font_style()`, and all the text in the figure will be presented in that style. Args: font_style_path (path of font style): If None, ``simhei.ttf`` will be used as default font style. Returns: None """ if font_style_path is None: font_style_path = DEFAULT_FONT_PATH font_style = font_manager.FontProperties(fname=font_style_path) fig = plt.gcf() for textobj in _get_all_text_objects(fig): fontsize = textobj.get_fontsize() textobj.set_fontproperties(font_style) textobj.set_fontsize(fontsize)