Source code for ynlu.sdk.evaluation.intent_topk_precision_score

from typing import List, Dict

[docs]def single__intent_topk_precision_score( intent_prediction: List[Dict[str, str]], y_true: List[str], k: int = 1, ) -> float: """Compute the Precision of a single utterance with multi-intents Precision of a single utterance is defined as the proportion of correctly predicted labels to the total number of the true label. It can be formulated as .. math:: \\text{Precision of single utterance}=\\frac{|\\text{pred}_i \\cap \\text{true}_i|}{|\\text{true}_i|} Args: intent_prediction (a list of dictionaries): A sorted intent prediction (by score) of a single utterance. y_true (a list of strings): The corresponding true intent of that utterance. Note that it can be more than one intents. k (an integer): The top k prediction of intents we take for computing precision. Returns: precision score (a float): precision of a single utterance given top k prediction. Examples: >>> intent_prediction, _ = model.predict("I like apple.") >>> print(intent_prediction) [ {"intent": "blabla", "score": 0.7}, {"intent": "ohoh", "score": 0.2}, {"intent": "preference", "score": 0.1}, ] >>> precision = single__intent_topk_precision_score( intent_prediction=intent_prediction, y_true=["preference", "ohoh", "YY"], k=2, ) >>> print(precision) 0.333333 """ # noqa top_k_pred = [pred["intent"] for pred in intent_prediction[: k]] precision_score = ( len(set(y_true) & set(top_k_pred)) / len(y_true) ) return precision_score
[docs]def intent_topk_precision_score( intent_predictions: List[List[Dict[str, str]]], y_trues: List[List[str]], k: int = 1, ) -> float: """Compute the precision of all utterances with multi-intents Please take a look at function **single__intent_topk_precision_score** first. This function is JUST a batch version of that. It would send all data to that function, then collect and average the output. .. math:: \\text{Precision of all utterances}=\\frac{1}{n}\\sum_{i=1}^{n}\\frac{|\\text{pred}_i \\cap \\text{true}_i|}{|\\text{true}_i|} """ # noqa if len(intent_predictions) != len(y_trues): raise ValueError( "Intent prediction ands labels must have same amount!!!", ) precision_scores = [] for y_pred, y_true in zip(intent_predictions, y_trues): precision_scores.append( single__intent_topk_precision_score( intent_prediction=y_pred, y_true=y_true, k=k, ), ) return sum(precision_scores) / len(intent_predictions)